Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Calendars

Happy New Year! :)

It's been a grand year. Let's recap shall we?
  • Went crazy planning a wedding and vowed to pay people next time I do a wedding (which won't be mine)
  • Moved to the city where fries belong on sandwiches/salads (yum) and the people around me wave something called a terrible towel ;-)
  • Convinced the hubs that homemade tomato sauce and mashed potatoes are far superior than things from a box or a can...
  • Got the hubs to eat kale, chard, squash. Despite some faces, he even admitted they were pretty good (and they weren't even covered in cheese or excessive amounts of fat). I live a sad pathetic life... the hubs doesn't know yet but 2010 means more healthy food like tofu, beans and even more veggies!
  • Hosted Thanksgiving dinner where I made my first turkey (and it even tasted ok!)

And what better way than to ring in the new year with a 2010 calendar?

Every year, the hubster's family exchanges gifts among the ladies in the family. This was my first year participating - I think next year I'm gonna just buy something for everyone.

This year, stupidly, I figured if I was going to take part, I might as well make it crafty. Bad idea number 1. I then kept putting it off until the weekend before Christmas. Bad idea number 2.
After finishing the calendar, I decided that I want to punch the corners to make it look more professional. Corner punching EVERY page... 480 corners punched... bad bad bad idea number 3.

Because I didn't have much room to play with if I wanted everything to fit into the CD case, I stamped everything. I used stamps from PTI, Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps, Hero Arts and of course, Waltzingmouse Stamps.

The month of Feburary is a sneak peek of the new release (coming to you Jan 4) too! :)


  1. I think this was a very good idea, but maybe start earlier next year? That is one elegant calendar and I wish I had been on the receiving end of that gift exchange. Hey I'm going to be helping plan my daughter's wedding, I'll just ask you for tips since you obviously survived. And I've never eaten chard . . . so what does that say about me????

  2. BEAUTIFUL Belinda!!!
    Happy New Year!!!

  3. I think those gifts are worth every second you spent on them. They're beautiful and very, very "you".

  4. I love your calendar--very pretty! Happy New Year!

  5. I love mine!! Being able to go to work and set up my pretty new calendar makes the return that much easier. Hope you're having a great holiday and happy new year :)

  6. Your calendar is gorgeous! Why dont I have anyone crafty in my family?

  7. LOVE this, Belinda! Just gorgeous!

  8. wow this is soo lovely! curious how the case stays up is it a cd case?

  9. You did a great job with the Calendars! What a year you've had. Hopefully you've thawed a bit since your visit to our lovely winter weather sorry you were here for the storm.

    I'm curious about the Towel comment what does it mean?
