Monday, December 27, 2010

Poo and other things

I know I shared with some of you that my husband's family does a Christmas grab gift exchange. So far, my husband and I haven't partaken in the madness. This year, I suppose I was feeling a little less grinchy so I agreed we should partake this year. 

But in true Belinda fashion, it's no fun to bring a normal gift. I searched high and low to find something unusual, I asked everyone for ideas, and nothing was striking my fancy until we encountered this fabulous gem:

Ah poo! I couldn't resist....

I'm 27 and I still find toilet humor hilarious.


Since I don't think you're supposed to know who gave what until the gift exchange is over, I'm placing this in a store-bought bag (ok, one I saved from last year). But I just couldn't resist a crafty touch...

So we added a little Christmas poem about reindeer poop...

"Christmas is coming and so are the deer,
Listen carefully and you will hear,
and 'long with those comes a special treat,
Reindeer droppings for you to eat"

Granted the card game is about monkey poo but eh... little details....

We picked up some chocolates at Trader Joes for the edible poo portion of the gift. Chocolate covered blueberries, chocolate covered almonds and some chocolate mint creams - yum.

At the time of this post, I was still deciding if I should include a roll of toilet paper too. After all, I like to promote hygiene. But I'm not sure I can sacrifice a roll of my 3-ply... especially if not everyone appreciates my sense of humor...

But as of right now, I think I'm gonna go for it. ;-)


  1. Hehe, love the "edible poo!" What a fun gift!

  2. You know you just made my day right?! I had to laugh out loud at this one, because well, I would do this too!!!

  3. Love your idea! I think your kind of humour is a bit like mine. Hope the person can see the fun in it.

    Greetings from snowy Germany, ines

    How is the snow "front" (don't know if that word is correct here or even if it is an English word, I'm too lazy to look it up) at your part in the world?

  4. LOL I love it! You will have to let us know how it went!

  5. Scarily, I'm twice your age (eek!) and still find potty humor to be hilarious.

    Great gift and tag.

    Let us know how it was received.

  6. HA HA!!!! I love it!!!!! So cute and I love how you packaged it all up with the TJ goodies. I hope it was well received!

  7. Hysterical! Happy New Year Belinda...

  8. Hilarious idea Belinda! Please let us know how this went with the recipient!

  9. Oh my gosh, this screams my sister to me! She has always had that kind of potty humor! haha! Very cool!
