Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Red-Haired Mermaid

I've never gotten it...
But my husband has explained to me the allure of red-haired women many times.
I just don't get it.

Maybe that's because I grew up thinking men wanted silky black haired women...
My mom always said "Eat more seaweed so your hair will be black to attract the men"
I ate lots of seaweed. Lots and lots. 
Heck, we have a huge pack of seaweed that my mom just gave me last time we went to visit her.
So red-haired, really???
Hah, blame my culture.

But being the nice wife that I am,
I gave my husband a red-haired woman.
The only red-haired woman he's going to get...
Well, if he wants to stay married to this silky black-haired girl...

This layout was my attempt to layer more.. yeah... I'm not convinced I layered more but I tried...
What can I say, I'm clean and simple. 

When I showed my husband the layout, he only had one comment.
A very guy comment.
My husband commented that his little red-haired girl wasn't wearing a top!
I argued that Cosmo is a nice family company but then I took a closer look...
I think I have to agree.

But I'll leave it up to you, dear reader, to make your own conclusion.
But only in this house can we argue for 30 minutes about a piece of chipboard.
Feel free to click on the closeup for a closer view of the topless red-haired woman.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!

(All supplies from Studio Calico March kit, Into the Woods)


  1. This is a very darling layout :) and here's to eating more seaweeds, very healthy and good for you, not to mention delicious. :)

  2. I hate to say that she does look topless!

    What a fun page!

  3. haha, I bet Oak would make the same comment! She's very cute though. :)

  4. Love it Belinda, thanks for the laugh and cultural education.

  5. Oh BELINDA this post made me LOL!!! and I agree ONLY a man would comment like that.. I didnt even notice.. til you ( or rather your hubby) pointed it out! HA! She is CUTE anyway.. If I looked that good I would go topless too! HA HA! (kidding... I think! ;) )
    Hope you have a GREAT weekend!!!

  6. You crack me up, I just love a good chuckle when I read your blog posts! Men are hard to figure sometime, but then so are we, haha. Your layout is too cute! I love it!

  7. LOL, that is a guy comment!
    I'm thinking he's right, but atleast the rest is covered. I'm sure it's the last thing a little one would pick up on. Great attempt at layering, keep up the awesome work!

  8. I love it!!!! I think your page is great, you did awesome with the layering. And that is hilarous what your hubbie's first reaction was!!! LOL!

  9. Cute layout and I think you layered very well. The gemstones also add texture and dimension.

    Funny comment by your dh, though she's a modest little girl mermaid...

    Bombshell Stamps has a modest older mermaid who is also topless.

  10. LOL...that's pretty much Bri for you, I suppose! :) Doesn't cartoon-like and artistic liberties count? sighs...

  11. Such a cute layout. I really like the story about your dh and the mermaid. Men. My daughter is a red head (see her there--> ) and she hates it. She gets so much attention because of it and she is super shy. She wants to color it. Maybe I should have her eat more seaweed. lol!
