Thursday, May 19, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

When we were little, we used to give us free tickets to see the Chicago White Sox when (1) we got straight A's or (2) we got perfect attendance.
(Actually not sure if this was a Chicago area incentive or if it was just my school district? My husband went to school in the Chicago area as well but he can't remember why he went to baseball games as a kid)

I won't claim straight A's. 
Ironically, I don't think I got straight A's until I got to college.
And I assure you, my Alma Marta will NEVER make the top list of party schools.

I always had perfect attendance.
My mom made me go to school with bronchitis.
I took one of my standardized tests with a fever.
I remember my mom waiting outside for me and popping in to give me medication in between the tests.
Yes, we were *that* family.

But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how we got the tickets.
I always looked forward to these games.
Not because I particularly understood baseball..
But more because it's fun to be with the crowd.
And eat a hot dog.
Heck fricking yeah!

My husband loves baseball.
When we go back to Chicago for the summer, we usually try to catch a game at Wrigley.
Although sadly, I didn't think about it this year...
Alas, we wouldn't have had time anyways. 

Normally we get bleacher seats at Wrigley cos my husband likes trying to catch the balls that get out there.
And I like the bleacher seats cos that's where the crowd is.

This layout is actually my first time in Wrigley with the hubs (well BF at the time).
The hubs felt that I'd understand the game more if I could see it from above.
He quickly learned I don't care.
I just agreed because he promised me a hot dog.
I will go to any sports event as long as you promise me a hot dog.
Or nachos. Or anything remotely fatty.
It brings me a lot of joy to watch people run around while I pig out.

And yes, I know the song says "Take me out to the ball game"
That's the only comment my husband had when I showed this to him.
But I couldn't get it to fit.
And so I took a creative liberty. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Most supplies from the May Studio Calico Kit


  1. Cute LO! I like the idea of game tickets for school rewards - maybe they should bring that idea in over here in the UK for football (soccer!). Then more kids would pay attention to their studies ;)
    Hugs, Ruth S

  2. Very cute layout, it's got a definite KP vibe :) I am impressed with your circle of letters... I definitely don't have enough patience to make something like that :)

    Though, this really makes me want a hot dog, some nachos, and beer. I agree that food is the only thing that makes baseball exciting (besides maybe Wool E. Bull.. haha). :)

  3. I love love your layout!! I love the flags and that button and the title on the circle. Beautiful Belinda!! We are a huge baseball family, too. My husband bleeds Dodger blue. :-)

  4. Love how this layout turned out, Belinda. From the title to the pennant flags to the repeated use of circles - just perfect. You've got a hot dog trend going on here!

  5. You are becoming quite the lo queen! Way to go, great page!

  6. It's a fabulous page with great photos. I don't know which I like better, the one of you and your hubs or the one of the "Friendly Confines". The only problem with your page is that I would have done it in Cubbie blue and red!

    Ah Wrigley Field. Oh how I miss it. I used to go, sit in the bleachers, and cheer on the Cubbies. Nothing like ragging on the opposite side of the bleachers in rousing renditions of "Right Field Sucks".

    The last time I went, we sat in "expensive seats" and I couldn't drink beer or eat hot dogs... My daughter was with me, though she had seriously obstructed seating... in utero.

  7. My dad is a die hard baseball fan. He used to take us to A's games and to Giant's game and the local AA team as well. Not to mention he played on three different softball/baseball rec leagues. I have seen so much baseball. LOL Your page is really cute! I have been such a bad blog commenter this past month but I am going through today and commenting on all my favorite blogs! Happy weekend to you!

  8. Belinda I LOVE this!!!! Such a GREAT LO!! Hot Dog YUM!! Now I am craving one! LOL!!!
    Hope your day is GREAT~!

  9. Fun and fantastic layout! Great work!
