Thursday, May 12, 2011


I love a good Chicago Dog.
Give me an all-beef dog with my tomato wedges, mustard, chopped onion, pickle, peppers, relish and a dash of celery salt. And most importantly, no ketchup!
I could eat one every day.
I kid you not.

In fact, every year when I go visit the 'rents,
I pick myself up some fabulously neon green relish that I can only find in select stores in the Chicago area.

And so when my small-handed friend informed me she had never had a Chicago Dog...
Well, we had to get one (or two)!
Normally I'd take a fresh face to Hot Dougs, but we were super close to Superdawgs...
(For those of you going to Summer CHA, Superdawgs isn't too far away.. and it's fabulous)

And so here's the layout depicting our trip.
Cased the layout from KP (will have to dig up the original)
I really would like to go back now...
Or make the husband go out and grill me a dog.

I actually really like all sorts of hot dogs...
Just ask my husband.
I asked to go on a date outside Home Depot once because there was a fabulous hot dog man there.
(With some fabby red onion sauce... Oh yum!)
For the record, my husband is not a handy guy who likes Home Depot...
Ah, for the love of hot dogs!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Haha awesome! Love Superdawgs!

    Next time you come to NC we HAVE to go to the Bugogi hot dog truck... we will stalk it because you absoulately need to have one! :)

    I love the little flags too! so cute!

  2. I'm enjoying all your layouts, Belinda. You are on a roll! Maybe even a hot dog roll! What a cute page.

  3. Another wonderful layout. I love your scrapping style as much as I love(d) your stamping style.

    I guess that means that I love your style. *grin*

    However, I never, ever thought I'd see a layout about hot dogs. Ever. Even if Chicago-style dogs are the best and are the only reason I ever bought celery salt.

    Chi-town has such great food!

    Next I want to see a layout about stuffed pizza. OK?

  4. YUM! I LOVE hot dogs.. and NOW I must get celery salt to try on them! Ok back to the LO.. FABULOUS Belinda.. just FABULOUS!!!
    Hope your having a GREAT weekend!

  5. Hey! I recognize that place ;-)
    great and fun L.O!
    TFS ~

  6. i've never been to chicago but I LOVE chicago dogs. Love them.
    Love your layout too!

  7. What a great story! And what a great layout!! I love your scrapbooking style. :) As for the home depot hot dogs, when i was pregnant with my first child I HAD to have one (alright 3) every saturday. Boy do I miss them and it's been almost 9 yrs!! lol!!

  8. Ok, here's where I admit that the only "meat" I miss from childhood is hot dogs! Seriously! LOL This post made me drool.

  9. This is too cute!! I am loving your flags!!

  10. Oh my!! Gotta love those Chicago style hot dogs! Since we are in Minnesota now......we order the kits on line. Enjoy your blog!!

  11. I just love the bottom of this page the dp and the scallops are perfection.
