Saturday, January 1, 2011

Kisses in the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! :) Hope your new year is filled with family, friends and lots of love. :)

To ring in the new year, I thought I'd publicly share my resolutions this year.
  1. Meatless Weekend meals will continue in this house - Because I believe in being healthy and saving the world.  Because legumes, beans, and greens are tasty. Because I want to lower our risk for diabetes, cancer or heart disease. And because I believe in reducing our carbon footprint.
  2. The "vegetable" of the year is going to be soy and cabbage. For those of you not in the know, my husband is not a fan of greens. So every year, I pick a few vegetables to slowly introduce into the diet -- last year was the year of the kale and he loves it now (even asks for it when we're in the grocery store). This year, we're going with soybeans (edamame, tofu, etc) and the cabbage family (cabbage, chinese cabbage, all sorts of cabbage). The older I get, the more I crave the foods I grew up with -- tofu, bok choi, kai-lan, and my favorite- kong shin tsai (I really don't know the translation for it. My mom grows this in our front yard but my husband refuses to let me do the same... he thinks its a mosquito breeding ground... which is probably true since it needs a swamp like atmosphere). Yum. Ironic given that in high school, I did almost anything to avoid eating at home, even if that meant going to boarding school for high school to eat cafeteria food for every meal.... what was I thinking?
  3. Complete at least one 5k race this year - A little running never hurt anyone. I'd love to do a triathlon but that requires owning a bike... Hah, can I just do the swim part of the triathlon?
  4. Stop making excuses  - A little less thinking, a little more doing. Jump on an airplane and see the world without thinking about the cost. Go out for a dinner just because. Buy that pretty dress on the hanger and wear it for a girl's night out. Or spend the day in bed, reading... just because.
A year committed to heath and happiness. :) What resolutions do you have for the new year?


  1. Happy New Year, Belinda!!! Love that card to introduce the new year with a kiss - so sweet!
    I don't tend to make resolutions but I'll stick with continuing to go to the gym, play football and make time for some inky therapy! I especially love your #4 resolution!

  2. Beautiful card, I really like the big yellow bow!

  3. A happy new year to you too. Lovely card. Didn't read the blog entry, too long for now... Got to sew some "jumper" pillows for my kids. You can see the result on that tomorrow on my blog, if you like.

    Enjoy your day. Greetings ines

  4. best of luck to your goals and resolutions!! Happy new year!

  5. Happy New Year Belinda!!! Good luck with your resolutions. We love soybeans around here, tofu, the whole works. And awesome for wanting to run a 5K!!! Be careful, you might get addicted and do longer races. I love running races. I want to do a triathlon this year, too but the bike thing holds me back. I own a mountain bike but I get killed in the bike portion on mountain bike. I am constantly on Craig's list looking for a bike!

  6. Happy New Year Belinda! Awesome card and awesome resolutions! I really didn't make any this year, but I do want to focus on a little less clutter in all areas of my, body and mind!

  7. Happy New Year Belinda! I hope you will join me in the St. Jude Valentines Day Card Drive at my blog!

  8. I'll raise my glass to your great post!
    Beautiful card!

    happy new year!!

  9. we call it hollow heart since well, its heart is hollow! =) Happy New Year! Best wishes to you and yours! love your beautiful card, too!

  10. Happy New Year! Wishing you a wonderful 2011 filled with health, happiness, love, laughter, and prosperity.

    Resolutions? Nah. I never keep 'em.

    Great card!

  11. What a beautiful card! Happy New Year!

  12. Hi Belinda,

    Happy new year to you as well!! and what a pretty card you show is, love the ribbon! For this year, we intend to enjoy more! hi hi! But for my boyfriend that's without restrictions, but for me, I want to do that within healthy living! Eat more veggies, more exercising, but I'm not putting goals in figures, 'cause that won't work with me... So, just a reaolution and no dates attached and enjoy all the most we can!
    Wishing you a wonderful 2011!

    Hugs, Wendy

  13. Happy New Year Belinda! I love your pretty card, good luck with keeping your resolutions!

  14. Love your New Years card, Belinda! I'm a sucker for kisses and mistle toe! I need to stop making excuses, too!
