Friday, August 6, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Happy Friday everyone! :)

I just woke up from a very lovely nap -- I've been having a little bit of pain in one of my many moles and I think the stress of trying to get myself squeezed in for a checkup has tired me out a little. I get my moles/skin checked once a year, except with moving last year I actually let it lapse. Shame on me! So consider this a public service announcement -- make sure to go visit a dermatologist to get your skin checked out! It really is worth the extra preventative cost! Ok, I'm done with the scolding. Now that said, I wouldn't mind a few prayers my way -- I worry excessively, so I'm hoping maybe I just accidentally rubbed it in a funny way.

Ok onwards to happier things! I actually still haven't sat down to craft since I got back from vacation. We've been meeting up with friends and chilling a bit. Enjoying the small things in life: friends, food and wine. What more can a girl ask for?

I'm going to be sad soon as many people we know are leaving the area. :-( More of you need to move here and hang out with me -- because life totally revolves around me. Hah! No worries, I'm totally kidding.

This was a fun little card I made for a friend who needed a birthday card. I went with a pretty simple layout and love the look of using buttons as a side decoration -- although I know, I didn't thread the buttons. I'm not normally a "naked" button* person but honestly, I kind of like the look of the naked button in this case. Are you a "naked" button person? I think my laziness is trending me towards loving naked buttons.. There's something about it that works in a raw and natural way.

*Naked button - unthread and/or undecorated button


  1. Love these colors, Belinda! The pearls you added to that focal image are so pretty! And yes, I am a naked button person - by the time I'm ready to add a button to a card, I'm at the lazy/I-want-this-done-now stage! Also, sending prayers your way that all is well with your skin.

  2. I'm all about nakedness too, but I think it's pretty lazy of me :) haha

  3. Beautiful, Belinda! I love the warmness of the card, the pearls, and of course the naked buttons! I wish I lived closer, I'd totally love to hang and have a crafting buddy! I will keep you in my thoughts and pray that your doctors appt will bring no news! You know, no news = good news! :)
    I just bought a bunch of new scrappy supplies, including my first small fortune spent with PTI...I'm waiting on some packages to come in, and doing some reorganizing my craft room, as I'm getting a bit cramped and I think it's effecting my mojo. But, hoping to get back in the grove over the weekend...and especially once I have all my new fun and pretty toys! Hope you have a nice and relaxing weekend!

  4. Calming, peaceful, healthy vibes are coming your way Belinda. Things will be fine.
    I like your naked buttons...they aren't normally my style either, but sometimes they are warranted!

  5. Your naked buttons totally work Belinda! The whole card is just perfect,
    I too have just had a mole checked, I think you have to to be on the safe side but please don't worry too much!
    Love Sarita xx

  6. Beautiful card, love the look of the naked buttons!
    Hope all goes well at the Dr.!

  7. Beautiful! I hope everything is okay, I'll keep you in my prayers.
    Hugs, Christine

  8. Prayers to you! I have weird freckles and its a pain to get them checked, but worth it!! I havent made any card since I came back from vacation but I made one awhile back and posted it yesterday using the same stamp lol!!! Your's is gorgeous!!!

  9. Sending my good thoughts your way Belinda! I LOVE the naked button look! and YEAH for friends, food and wine! :)
    Have a GREAT weekend!

  10. Oh and I LOVE the card too! ;)

  11. Beautiful! Clean and classy. I use naked buttons all the time. I'm just plain lazy LOL!

  12. Love this- so clean and pretty. And for the record I am totally a naked button person. (Lazy!)

  13. Gorgeous card! I am all about the naked button! I also like to cover the holes with pearls or gems...too lazy to thread 'em most of the time!

  14. Sending tons of good vibes your way ;-)
    Your card is perfect with the "naked " ( too funny ) buttons!

  15. So pretty, love the rich colors. Prayers for your moles to be okay...I'm a worrier too so i know what you mean:) Love the "naked" buttons...I love them naked or dressed depending on the style of card and how lazy I'm feeling;)

  16. I hope you get positive results soon.

    Lovely card and your naked buttons look fine!

    When I remember to use buttons, I usually dress 'em.

  17. Beautiful card Belinda! I love the color combination. And I've made many a card with naked buttons, so go with it. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers hoping that you receive the all clear from your doctor.

  18. cute card - love how you are venturing out of your comfort zone. the holes of the button gives a great additional pattern / texture to the whole card. Yay for negative spaces, perhaps?

    i'll keep you in my prayers. hopefully it was a false-alarm.

  19. Pretty card Belinda! I usually leave my buttons naked.....too lazy to thread them most of the time!

    Hope everything goes well with your Dr visit.

  20. I love this Belinda! It's simple, yet very striking!

  21. THANK you for this - I've really been struggling with using this set. Now I have another idea to CASE :-)

    PS: I am a walking billboard for getting those moles checked. Found my first skin cancer before 30. GO! NOW!

  22. Thanks for the kind comment on my blog. I've visited your site several times since I saw you in Blog Idol, but I'm usually the quiet visitor type. I'll try to do better. :) I still love your style - so much great inspiration for the rest of us! Thanks for sharing!
