Sunday, April 12, 2009

St John


So we're on to some more interesting pictures... (we were pretty bummy in STT) We spent a day in St. John with our tour guide "Homes". I'm really glad we did a tour since with narrow roads and funny driving (they drive on the left even though the driver is also on the left), I think I would have freaked out if we had to drive.

The nice thing about a local leading you around means that you learn about interesting things. For instance, Homes gave us all a leaf that was something along the lines of an "air" plant. Basically, he said that if we brought it home, it would root w/o being in dirt. And lo-and-behold.... my leaf has little roots! I have since transplanted into a pot of dirt to see how it might fare in the cold cold north. I thought that I actually might have killed it since it got smooshed on its way home but its definitely kicking!

Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend!


  1. I've been to St. Thomas, years and years ago. Look at all that sand and sun, color me happy for you that you got to experience that beautiful place.

  2. Those photos are awesome. Looks like you had a great time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lovely pictures! I so want to be there right now!! Glad you had such a great time.

  5. Looks wonderful, I'm so jealous.

  6. Looks like you had a wonderful honeymoon!

  7. Congratulations! and welcome back! Looks like you had a wonderful honeymoon with some beautiful weather!

  8. Wow, more beautiful pictures, I must travel to St. Thomas some day, it is so beautiful!
    Hugs, Christine :)

  9. Great photos! Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  10. Awww man, these are beautiful photos. I hope you're going to frame some! That white sand beach is beautiful. I bet the water was as warm as a bath.

  11. Wow! Gorgeous pics! Looks like you had a blast!

  12. Congrats and welcome back Belinda! Your photos are fabulous, the sea looks glorious!

  13. Looks like you had a wonderful time!
