Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blazing the Trail

I know its been awhile since I've updated. 
I keep telling myself I'll update. 
And then life gets in the way. 

Summer usually means weddings, vacations and talking walks outside. 
Because really, what's better than enjoying life?
But I do have a layout to share
A layout that encompasses everything I love about summer.
From the fresh air to the bugs,
From the long car rides to the hikes until your feet hurt.
From the hot dogs to the granola bars.

I found this photo in my stash o photos.
Carrie had sent me a bunch awhile back
And I finally got a chance to use one.

And so of course we had to make a layout.
A layout with a few more layers than I usually use.
And more white than I prefer.
But that's half the fun. :)

I have lots of photos from the hikes we've done recently
And most of them are going to stay unedited
Until the weather stops being so wonderful.
Because that's how I roll.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're enjoying your summer!


  1. I love the layout! Like I mentioned to you I have to take a picture of the LO I made with the exact same picture- how funny is that! The stamp reminds me of that Fleetwood Mac song, which is now in my head. Thanks for that. haha :)

    I have to mention to you that I think this was the trip that you taught me the ingenious idea of bringing life savers or other hard candies on long hikes. OMG that was a life altering piece of advice! Candy makes everything better! LOL. I'm sensing another layout.. ;)

  2. Fabulous layout. I love all the white space.
