Monday, March 7, 2011

Light Bulb Moments

I'm a dork.
I'm pretty happy with my dork status.

Sure, when I was in school, I tried to deny it.
I tried to be normal.
But I'm a "special snowflake"
(Ok, sorry, I don't totally believe the special snowflake cr*p)

I've had this photo on my harddrive for awhile.
When I saw the rainbow patterned paper, I knew I wanted it to accent the light bulb in my picture.

This layout is why I officially HATE my sewing machine.
Today I am going to try to fix it with some compressed air.

But let's go through all the areas I tried to cover up the boo boos.
See that yellow scallop circle border next to my photo?
That's to cover the stitching mess ups. 
Yay for stickers!

See that paper piercing? That was supposed to be stitching. 
I ended up having to rip my patterned paper off and trim it.
And I wasn't going to risk any more stitching after that. 
Hence the paper piercing. I felt like it needed something 
Especially since my kraft border was now larger than I intended.

I am done. Done with my sewing machine.
Looking for donations. :)
I've added a sewing machine to my Amazon wish list.
Maybe Santa will be super early this year...
Or maybe the Easter Bunny will come? 
For the first time in my life...

Thanks for stopping by!

Patterned Paper, stickers, embellishments: Studio Calico Feb 2011 Kit (Candy Shoppe)
Stamps: (Victorian Frippery) Waltzingmouse Stamps
Ink: (Tuxedo Black) Tsukineko
Felt, cloud dies: Papertrey Ink


  1. I too am a member of the dork club so you wouldn't be alone! I love this Belinda! It is super fun and also knowing what you did to cover up stuff, hee. I think it looks awesome, like you did all of that on purpose!

  2. I think being a dork is WAY more fun than trying to be cool! What a fun picture and layout! I love seeing how you cover your boo boo's!

  3. Sorry to hear you had some sewing mishaps with this one Belinda - though it's great that you can't tell!
    I'm a total science geek really so I love the theme ;) Thanks for the inspiration, Ruth S

  4. Don't feel bad. You have Company! I try to stich on my card and spend more time fixing the dang sewing machine then getting the card done!!I hate mine too!!!

    Wonderful LO! I still love it! I loke how you put the clouds in the center.

  5. I think the layout is too amazing to make you feel bad!

  6. This LO is just awesome. I remember us having fun at the Pittsburgh Science Center :) Yay for being dorks - although the snowflake comment makes you an ueber dork!

    well done w/ the covering up! the paper piercing looks awesome. I bought a cheap sewing machine and it's been good to me thus far.

  7. LOL, Belinda...I LOVE how you share your mishaps so is so comforting to hear about that the pros have to cover up mistakes too! ;) Of course, the end result looks great, and I've always thought that mistakes & mishaps offer more opportunity to be creative! Ha...though they aren't fun at the time...
    Thanks for sharing so honestly. It's very refreshing! :)

  8. I always enjoy reading your posts Belinda, you always have such funny stories behind your projects!

    Fun layout BTW!

  9. I think your layout is wonderful and if you hadn't said anything I never would have known! But I do feel your pain, my darling little machine likes to act up on me too!

  10. I freaking love this and I don't think you're a dork. Science museums, especially ones with interactive exhibits, are fabulous. And I'm no scientist, though I've been married to one for 30+ years (I got married at 9.).

    If you hadn't pointed out the fixes, I never would have realized there were problems.

    I gave away my Janome because it was a freaking lemon.

    Great layout.

  11. Oh Belinda, the Easter Bunny has never come to your house? Aren't rabbits lucky in Chinese culture? I remember a story about the moon rabbit that I loved as a kid... Anyway, this LO is fab. I LIKE the piercing. I LIKE the tiny yellow scallops. I see no mistakes what-so-ever with this clever page.

  12. Love this fun cheery layout, the rainbow and all the different elements combine for a striking and eye catching layout.

  13. What a fabulous layout!! The rainbow is perfect for that light bulb photo, great layout Belinda!!

  14. I love your page!!
    You have such an eye for design and good balance ;-)

  15. Oh WOW you rocked this kit! I so love this layout and your pics from your trip look amazing!!

  16. So cute! I hate to sew, the thought of sewing on paper gives me the heebie jeebies. I dont care how popular it is... LOL
