Monday, March 21, 2011

Just the Two of Us

I will admit it.
My biological clock isn't ticking yet.
At least not loud enough to annoy me.

I think newborns look like aliens.
Yes, I tell the mother that the kid is adorable.
(Secretly, I think newborns have a face only a mother could love.)

When the kid hits 6 months, they're pretty cute.
As long as they're not in the middle of code brown or even worse, code puke green
And then they hit the toddler years...
and I'd prefer they keep their sticky, germy hands to themselves.

I apologize now to the two hopeful mothers I know that would like to become a grandmother.
And a super hopeful dad who has started to stock pile baby things in our basement...
Much to my surprise...

I actually have half an inkling to adopt.
But I know there are trials with adoption.
And I'm not sure my hubs is as willing to adopt as I am.

Who knows...
Maybe one day we'll feel compelled to have a little one add to the numbers.
But either way, I'm happy with just the hubs and me.

So this layout came together pretty quickly. Actually, I've had the layout done for awhile.
I just put the journaling off for awhile.

Steph recently asked me about mists.
That reminded me that I had this layout sitting around waiting to be completed.
I used my mists for the paint splatters and I misted my kraft clouds.

Love me some mists.
But I'm also very controlling about where things are allowed to be.
So mists are used in moderation and very very carefully in my house.

I'm also 1/2 scared I'm going to stain the carpet.
Which could be enough to make the "two of us" become just me.
And that would be very very bad.

They sell special mist boxes but that seems like a waste of money.
Money that could go towards my imaginary DSLR and lenses.

I mist inside a box that some scrap supplies came in.
I've also lined that box with some scrap packing paper.
Just in case...

Thanks for stopping by!

(Most supplies from Studio Calico Candy Shoppe Kit)
Stamps: (lines on cloud from Free Spirit) Waltzingmouse Stamps
Ink: (white snow) Papertrey Ink
Cardstock: (white) Bazzill, (kraft) Papertrey Ink
Patterned Paper: (orange hexagon, blue) Basic Grey, (rainbow) Crate Paper, (light blue) Little Yellow Bicycle
Stickers: (labels, sweetheart, red grid, scallop border) Crate Paper, (letters) American Crafts
Accents: (stick pins) JBS, (gems) My Mind's Eye
Tools: (cloud dies) Papertrey Ink


  1. I just love your honest and simply stated blog posts Belinda! Sometimes I just want to tell it like it is and find it refreshing that you do! LOVE this LO, everything about it is colorful and fun and hey somedays I wish it were just the hubs and I once again! Life seemed so much easier then.

  2. What a great post:) Love your style!

  3. I love my little guy but those sticky fingers DO get annoying! But no matter you still love 'em just the same and their hugs and laugh make up for it.

    Adoption is a great way to go there are lots of little ones that need love out there. Just pray about it you'll know when and what are right for you two.

    Happy Monday!

  4. Yi! That layout is totally fabulous. There are so many wonderful details.

    After a spraying mishap (shimmery wall), I started to use a plastic tub.

    Your candor is refreshing. When and if you're ready for offspring, you'll know.

  5. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    don't do it!!! kids are the pits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :)

  6. LOL! gotta love Jing-Jing's comment! HAHA!! she is experienced! how about a couple of cats instead of kids? that's what we do. and we are happy with the decision! =) beautiful layout. love the big rainbow! and misted details!

  7. super-cute :)

  8. Lovely layout Belinda!

    Just so you know, I could never stand OPK (other people's kids), but it's VERY different with your own! You'll know if/when you're ready for kids.

  9. Great page Belinda! I love your placement of decorations and your honesty ;-)

  10. love your layout. So fresh and pretty! I do have to tell you that even if you're not a 'kid' person, having your own baby is nothing like just experiencing others' kids. I didn't enjoy children much either before I had mine, but I adore my babies with all my heart and soul and couldn't imagine life without them... Other kids? not so much...

  11. What a sweet layout! And I know exactly how you feel about kids because I feel the SAME way. Everyone keeps telling me, "Oh, you'll just KNOW when you want kids." I'm still waiting for that to happen.

    In the meantime, my husband's FIVE sisters ask me practically every day when we're going to start having kids. Not to mention my husband is pretty eager to start, too. Just not feeling it yet!

  12. Great post. Sounds like you know yourself well and it is hard enough to raise kids when you dont mind all that stuff.
    I was that way too...a long time ago. Now...I am so very different. Hardly even notice the sticky hand prints :) ha!

    Love your adorable page. The rainbow is fabulous.

  13. I just adore the rainbow on your layout and those clouds are soo cool!

  14. Your posts always make me laugh! I didn't want kids for the longest time and now, at 40, wish we had started trying earlier. That said, both my hubby and I got horrible colds after going to my friend's son's germ infested first birthday party on Saturday... ay yi yi!

  15. Hey, I think we're alike in many ways. I had to laugh when you said baby looks like aliens. I adore babies, but I did make that comment about newborn to hubby. As much as I adore kids, I don't know if I am ready. I love travelling too much and at this point I am not ready to give up that luxury, yet. :)

  16. LOL Belinda! I always wanted kids, like tons but once I got some I decided two was plenty. My kids are 10 and 7 now and I do not feel ANY longing when I see babies. None what so ever! LOL
