Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012: This is the year

This is the year where I work on doing my best and to focus on what I did right.
This is the year where I don't beat myself up on my little mistakes. I'm not going to let that little voice of self-doubt get in my way.
This is the year I remind myself not to compare myself to the "hares" of the world. I'm going to be happy with my consistent progress, even if it isn't where I thought I'd be.
This is the year where I strive for balance in my life. I'm going to let some things slide -- life will still go marching on and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.

This is the year of persistence.


  1. Happy new year!

    That sounds good to me.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a fab one.


  2. Sounds like a good plan. Nice to hear from you. How are you liking our fine state?

  3. Great to hear from you! Happy New Year. Here's to persistence!

  4. happy new year, B! :) glad to hear your new year's resolutions...i guess time to read lots of Romans ;)

  5. Persistence.. That s a nice but a difficult resolution. Cheers to you girl!

  6. Happy New Year!

    I also love the photos of your cross-country trip. I didn't know there was a real Green Giant statue.

  7. Very well said!I think I may need to read this over and over again!!!! You are well on your way to a great year!!!!Joye
